Thursday, November 26, 2020

Dog breed caucasian mountain shepherd

Dog breed caucasian mountain shepherd - The weight of these dogs is great: they are among the largest in the world. 

Dog breed caucasian mountain shepherd
Dog breed caucasian mountain shepherd

Dog breed caucasian mountain shepherd puppy
Dog breed caucasian mountain shepherd puppy

Dog breed caucasian mountain shepherd fighting
Dog breed caucasian mountain shepherd fighting

Dog breed caucasian mountain shepherd dangerous
Dog breed caucasian mountain shepherd dangerous

Dog breed caucasian mountain shepherd bigest
Dog breed caucasian mountain shepherd bigest

Dog breed caucasian mountain shepherd size
Dog breed caucasian mountain shepherd size

The species of this species can be distinguished by the area of their habitat. So you can find Armenian, Georgian, Dagestan and other types. For example, the Georgian Shepherd is more massive, has a more elongated body, respectively, more height and weight. The color of the dog's fur is white and black.

How to choose a puppy of this kind? If you decide to choose a puppy, remember that it is only in three months it will look small. Already in six months puppies of this kind gain impressive weight and turn into real giants. You can choose a puppy in the nursery, which specializes in breeding this breed. Choosing, it is worth considering that a good breeder is selective by character and exterior.

These beautiful creatures live for an average of nine to twelve years. But if the pet is properly fed and provide excellent care, the indicator can go beyond these age limits.

What else is so valuable about the Caucasian Shepherd Dog? The character of the dog, despite its huge size - is perfect. She is the sweetest and friendliest in the world, which is why she is in such great demand. Caucasian Shepherd can easily adapt to any environmental conditions, it tolerates the harsh winter.

Confidence is the most decisive characteristic of this dog. In an extreme situation, it reacts quickly and unmistakably. Interestingly, even in the moment of dangers the dog is calm. Moreover, it can be kept on the street in a special enclosure, and at home, Dog breed caucasian mountain shepherd.

All about this breed of dog look further in the video.

Also good qualities are the dog's perseverance, her determination and courage, the protective instinct and the fact that she is distrustful of strangers. The training of the Caucasian Shepherd Dog will be excellent, as the dog has a fairly high intelligence and calm character. The attention of all family members is very important for the dog, because it is ready to always protect them. Trust can be obtained from such a dog only from the owners, and children it will surround with special patronage. To play Caucasian Shepherd with children will always be, but will not be able to offend for anything in the world.

Image - Caucasian - ancient shepherd dog proxy?url'

The training of the Caucasian Shepherd Dog, judging by the feedback of experts all over the world, should take place from a young age. Puppies caucasian Shepherd have a rather strong character. It must be said that a small Caucasian Shepherd can show its character at any moment, expressing its independence. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account the simplest standards of education. Puppies of the Caucasian Shepherd dog are brought up from the first day of appearance in the family. They need to explain who is in charge of the house, and where the place of the a year old representative of this breed.

In the video we offer to familiarize yourself with the training of this wonderful dog.Today we offer you an article on the theme: "Caucasian - an ancient shepherd dog" from professionals for people. We tried to fully disclose the topic. If something is not clear, then all the questions experts are ready to answer in the comments.

Puppy Caucasian Shepherd is so cute that almost all people of the world can not at his sight to contain their emotions. This dog can fascinate at first sight, and it does not matter the standard or not. However, when acquiring such a spherical creature, it is necessary to understand that the education of the Caucasian Shepherd Dog is a must. Caucasian Shepherd Dog is a serious breed, which has not only a lot of weight, but also one of the strongest characters in the world. Read more in the article and see the video and photo materials.

The Caucasian Shepherd Dog is one of the oldest breeds in the world, and descriptions of its origins are lost in the old days. The great ethologist Konrad Lorenz put forward the theory that this dog comes from jackals or wolves. In this case, the Caucasian Shepherd dog chose remarkable qualities from its ancestors. There is also a theory that the direct ancestor of this breed of dog is the Tibetan Dog, which was described by Jutt in 1845.

The Caucasian Shepherd came from the East and spread over a vast area. They were used for fighting in ancient times, as shepherds and watchmen.

The standard of the breed is a one-of-a-kind act that regulates the development of the breed and the work with it. What is the standard of the Caucasian Shepherd Dog? The dog of this breed has a large or above average height, a strong type of addition. According to the standard of the breed, the pet is mobile, strong and hardy. The long-standing practice did not observe the Caucasian Shepherd, which would be above eighty centimeters. Whether such a dog is dangerous, see more in the video.

According to the standard of the breed, the dog is proportionally complex and harmonious (this can be seen in the photo). Height in the withers for males according to the standard of this breed is not less than 64 cm (on average 72-75 cm), for females - not less than 62 cm (preferably 67-70 cm). The dog should be large and massive. Dogs have a strong and large backbone, well-developed musculature. The skin is elastic, however, thick.

You can see the representative of this breed further in the video. Also in the next video you can learn some interesting facts about dogs of this kind.

They have a massive head, a wide cranial part and highly developed cheekbones. This species has a straight rough black coat, undercoat they are strongly developed, has a lighter color. At birth, the dog weighs from 550 to 750 grams. And during the first years of life the dog gains weight up to 45 kg for females, males weigh 65-95 kg more than at birth. Can you imagine feeding a dog of this size?

The body of these animals is experiencing heavy loads, for example, a person can gain similar weight only for twenty years or more, Dog breed caucasian mountain shepherd. Therefore, the owner should understand that the dog should gain normal weight, for which it must be qualitatively fed. How unusually two dogs of this breed are fed, see the following video.

Tibetan mastiff dog breeds caucasian shepherd angry

Tibetan mastiff dog breeds caucasian shepherd angry - Comparison of Alabaya and dogs of other breeds: the physical capabilities of pets and which of them is stronger

Tibetan mastiff dog breeds caucasian shepherd angry
Tibetan mastiff dog breeds caucasian shepherd angry

Tibetan mastiff dog breeds caucasian shepherd angry but cute
Tibetan mastiff dog breeds caucasian shepherd angry but cute

Tibetan mastiff dog breeds caucasian shepherd angry cool
Tibetan mastiff dog breeds caucasian shepherd angry cool

Tibetan mastiff dog breeds caucasian shepherd angry dangerous
Tibetan mastiff dog breeds caucasian shepherd angry dangerous

Tibetan mastiff dog breeds caucasian shepherd angry male
Tibetan mastiff dog breeds caucasian shepherd angry male

Alabai is one of the strongest and most enduring dog breeds in the world.

These dogs are distinguished by courage, courage and anger towards the enemy, which makes them very dangerous in battle.

Unsurprisingly, many Alabai owners are interested in the question: will their pet, if it is to have to, defeat another large dog or even a wolf?

It would be difficult to give an unequivocal answer to that question.

After all, in addition to growth, strength, courage and malice in such confrontations, other factors are of considerable importance.

Physical capabilities

Alabai is considered to be one of the oldest breeds, which for 4000 years was bred almost in the conditions of natural selection and rather harsh climate.

Even in ancient times, they were used not only to protect homes, accompany owners and, sometimes, hunting, but also to protect livestock from wild predators.

The growth of these dogs even today exceeds 70 cm in the withers, and there are very stalwart Alabai, whose size can be even 1 meter in the withers, and weight to reach 80-90 kg.

They have a thick, but at the same time elastic, resistant to mechanical damage skin, which can serve as a good protection against fangs of other dogs or even from wild predators.

Despite the fact that at present Alabai are more often used for guard service than for the mouth and protection of livestock, these dogs still retain the qualities of real wolfhounds, such as anger to the beast, courage and cold calculation during the fight with the predator.

At the same time, even though Alabai outwardly and can look too massive, clumsy and calm to indifference, these dogs are actually distinguished by mobility and agility.

They know how to go away in battle from the teeth of the enemy, and then, waiting for the right moment, lightning fast pounce on him.

And the strength and massive physique easily allows Alabayas to shoot another beast off his feet, just pushing it with his chest or sideways.

Who is stronger - Alabai or wolf?

Wolves are not in vain considered to be one of the most dangerous predators. They rarely roam alone, and much more often are held in flocks.

Grey predators are able to find weaknesses in their potential victims, and their bites are typical of the fact that wolves do not squeeze the victim with their jaws, as dogs do, and as if to cut it with their teeth.

Even a single bite inflicted by a wolf can be fatal. If the victim is lucky and she manages to suffer a relatively minor injury, the wolves will chase her until she is exhausted from the loss of blood and falls.

What happens if Alabai goes into a one-on-one fight with a wolf? Everything here depends on where and under what conditions both animals grew up.

Alabay exhibition lines are likely to be a useless fighter. But the wolf, who grew up in captivity, will not be able to adequately resist the dog, the size and weight of which, at least, will be comparable to its own dimensions.

For example, an Arab wolf weighing about 10 kg will certainly be defeated by Alabai even if the dog has not been grown and trained to work.

But to resist the tundra or polar wolf will be difficult even for Alabai, which since childhood was grown to protect livestock from predators.

After all, in addition to huge sizes, representatives of these varieties of wolves have an incredibly powerful grip: the strength of their jaws can reach up to 450 kg/sq. cm. And even with the usual for the middle band gray wolf can cope not every Alabai.

In addition, as already mentioned, wolves are kept in a flock, and to defeat several wild predators can not any, even the strongest and trained dog.

That is why in Central Asia, where the Alabai were originally bred, even taking into account the huge physical strength and growth of these dogs, they were kept in packs of cattle, consisting of the smallest, of 3-5 animals.

Pit bull

Pitbull is considered a first-class fighter and he has no equal in this among other dogs of the same size. He has strong jaws and a dead grip, in addition, the pit bull has no instinct for self-preservation and a very low pain threshold.

It would seem that these qualities should help him in the fight against larger dogs, including against Alabaya. But is it really so?

As with wolves, much depends on the origin of both dogs involved in the fight.

The Alabama exhibition, which was not trained to withstand other predators in the scrums, at best, will bring the score in such a match to a draw.

Another thing, if the pit bull and Alabai work lines, specially trained to fight the wolves, converge. A dog that can deal with gray predators easily defeats a dog that weighs half as much as it does.

Yes, the pit bull is more nimble and twart, but at the same time he, who uses the same tactics when attacking - to pounce on the enemy and cling to him with a dead grip, in most cases will be defeated by Alabai.

Even if the pit bull at the first attempt can hang on the neck of the Alabaya, he will be able to grasp only the folds of the skin and the longer he clings to them, the less Alabai will leave him a chance to win.

After all, while the pit bull just hangs out, clinging to his skin, Alabai will be able to thoroughly hurt him.

Caucasian Shepherd

Alabai and Caucasian Shepherds were bred in similar conditions and were used initially for the same work - grazing and protection of sheep.

And it is not surprising that these dogs are almost identical in size and similar body structure.

But Caucasian Shepherds can be slower and heavier, while Alabai are more agile and perhaps lighter physique.

The advantage of the Caucasian Shepherd is its long coat, which can also serve as an additional protection from the teeth and claws of the enemy.

However, it is necessary to take into account the fact that Alabai is more inclined to act on their own during the fight, while the Caucasian Shepherd dog in one way or another counts on the support or approval of the owner.

What happens if these two dogs meet in a duel? The result of such a fight depends on a lot of accidents and, most likely, to predict its result in advance, hardly succeed.

In general, we can say that the Caucasian Shepherd and Alabai are almost equal in strength, endurance and combat qualities.


Rottweiler is considered a very strong dog, not for nothing one of its original purposes was the transportation of goods. In addition, he has strong and strong jaws.

However, Rottweilers were not bred specifically for battles with wild predators and they have no malice to another beast. The aggression of Rottweilers, first of all, is directed at people, not dogs.

However, he can be taught to fight with his own kind. But it should be taken into account that if most Alabaev are large and very powerful dogs, rottweilers can be of different sizes.

A large Rottweiler, albeit theoretically, will be able to fight on an equal footing with Alabai, but his smaller cousin just physically will not be able to resist the power of a real wolfhound.

German Shepherd

The German Shepherd is also quite a large dog, but compared to the massive and high Alabai it clearly loses in size. However, the "Germans" are more mobile and capable of a faster attack.

Due to their ability to make quick decisions, German Shepherds have another important advantage in front of Alabayas: they do not need time for long "discussions".

However, in the battle with the "German" Alabai can easily knock the enemy off his feet, just pushing him from the run.

If the German Shepherd and Alabai of non-working lines meet in the fight, they may have almost equal chances to win.

But at the same time the "German", albeit trained, will definitely lose to Alabai, grown for battles with predators.

After all, German Shepherds were initially bred not for fights with other dogs or wolves, but as a universal breed, the main purpose of which was to protect the house and livestock, and not so much from predators, as from robbers and robbers.

Tibetan Mastiff

The Tibetan Mastiff is considered a distant relative and possibly one of Alabai's ancestors.

These dogs are of great growth and strength, Tibetan mastiff dog breeds caucasian shepherd angry.

At home, in Tibet and in neighboring countries where cattle farming is developed, they are used to protect sheep from predators.

But Tibetan Mastiffs are not wolfhounds.

Their purpose is to warn the shepherd about the appearance of predators, but not to engage with them in a confrontation.

But the Tibetan Mastiffs do a great job of other jobs, such as cattle or house protection.

Tibetan Mastiffs are not angry and aggressive about humans or other dogs.

Mastiff, if he has a choice, will try to avoid an open clash with Alabai. At the same time, you do not need to think that he does so because of cowardice: simply, these dogs do not like to enter into conflicts with relatives.

They will walk away from the fight until the last, unless they cut off the possibility of tactical retreat.

If this happens, the outcome of the fight between Alabai and the Tibetan Mastiff will be difficult to predict, as the representatives of these two breeds are similar in size and physical strength.


Most Dobermans, if properly raised and socialized, do not show increased aggressiveness to other dogs, but they can stand up for themselves in case of attack.

The main advantages of these dogs - intelligence, ingenuity, speed and agility. Doberman is powerful enough to dodge an attack by a more massive enemy, such as Alabai.

At the same time, Doberman can circle around his opponent for a long time, choosing the right moment, and then, suddenly biting him, again to go to the side.

However, unlike equally agile and agile pit bulls, Dobermans do not tend to fight to the last drop of blood. These dogs are perfectly able to assess their strength and they have an instinct for self-preservation.

Like other large, but not originally designed to fight predator dogs, Doberman will not have a chance against alabing working lines.

If doberman and alabama will meet in the match, in this case the outcome of the confrontation will be unpredictable.

Conclusion and conclusions

Despite the fact that Alabai is a breed bred to fight predators and protect from them cattle, alone he will not be able to resist several wolves.

Dogs of exhibition lines are not adapted to battles with wild animals, as their psyche is focused on competition in exhibition rings, but not for fights with predators.

If we talk about whether Alabai will be able to resist other large dogs, then here is not all unambiguous. Of course, the worker Alabai will be able to cope with almost any other dog.

If the fight will converge Alabai exhibition lines and working dog of another large and rather evil breed, the outcome of their fight will be difficult to predict.

From the video you will learn all about the breed of dogs "Alabai":

The biggest dog in the world - top 10

Who is the more Tibetan Mastiff or Caucasian Shepherd?

Each dog owner has their own preferences regarding the characteristics of their pets or dogs, which they would like to have.

One serve fluffy spitz, others can not live without flat-faced pugs.

The third does not care which breed, if only more expensive and more important.

And then there are those who want to scale - they like, if their four-legged friends are huge and majestic. There are many breeds, the representatives of which will want to give way.

Animals, which are among the 10 largest dogs in the world, cause respect for themselves and their owners. All dogs are not for wimps.

People without wealth will also have to be tight with such dogs - they eat well and a lot.

But most of the participants of the rating will be excellent bodyguards. Some insolent ten times will think about attacking a girl, if that guards, for example, the Tibetan Mastiff.

Your attention top 10 - the largest in the world dogs, the weight of which begins from almost fifty kilograms, and height - from 60 cm. Note that the compilation of such "charts" is impossible with absolute infallibility.

Time is running out and things are changing. In addition, you need to take into account the difference between "serials" and record-holders.

A specific representative of a particular breed can suddenly be able to be able to make the cynological world its size, but its other "colleagues" can lag far behind the giant.

The basis of the top took the average between the size and weight of dogs. The animal can be very tall, but thin and light. Conversely, the dog may not reach the competition in the withers, but be noticeably heavier.

We offer to meet the biggest dogs in the world - photos will help to assess how big and beautiful the participants of the top.

10 position - Akita

Akita is the healthiest dog breed in Japan.

Among the ancestors of Japanese pride - Chinese Spitz and Mastiffs, which were crossed by medieval cynologists of honshu island.

In the old days, the main name was plused additions "matagi", which together could be translated as "good hunter."

Akita grows to 70 cm. With such dimensions, the average weight of hunters is 55 kg. They also served as combat dogs.

Appearance, if for a moment to forget about the size, fear does not inspire - a thunderstorm of Japanese forests is quite pretty. Large dogs are characterized by a dense addition and a slightly elongated torso.

The character of Akita is proud and independent, but the breed is wonderfully amenable to training - pets respect the owners and show restraint and poise.

9th position - Dearhound

the dog's greatness is almost closed by a Scottish breed bred to help hunters.

The appearance of these dogs clearly hints that they are perfectly adapted to the baiting of wild animals. The average size of dirhounds is 75 cm.

As a rule, the weight is within 45 kg.

The dog has a long body with a well-developed musculature. The elongated face relative to the body is small, but the legs are slender and elongated. The coat is quite long - hard "fur" hangs from the torso.

The breed has been counting since the 16th century. For three centuries the huge dog was familiar mainly to The Scots, but in the century before that it became known almost the entire planet. Among the most running colors - brown, sand and gray.

8th position - Irish Wolfhound

The name speaks for itself. The largest breed of Ireland and now its dimensions can intimidate any wolf.

And in the old days, the height of the Irish in the withers exceeded the modern two dozen centimeters.

By the way, the current wolfhounds differ in height, starting from 80 cm. The average weight is 55 kg.

Irish pride was brought out by the Celts, who needed powerful greyhounds.

Despite the size and original purpose, the dog is quite elegant silhouette and smooth, but fast-paced movements.

Muscular Irishmen were drawn not only on wolves, but also on deer, with which the largest breed of dogs in Ireland could compete in speed.

The current representatives of the breed are no longer characterized by a formidable temper. They will easily make a company for children and adults.

7 position - Caucasian Shepherd Dog

In Russia, everyone knows about this breed. To get to know these animals, you hardly need pictures.

These are some of the most beloved and coveted dogs of private estate owners. Caucasians are excellent guards and guards.

In the top 10 largest dogs in the world they got thanks to immodest dimensions - weight starts from 75-80 kg, and height - from 70 cm.

It is also one of the oldest breeds. The history of the Shepherd has been known for about 2000 years.

The breed was bred to provide protection to sheep, who often suffered from wild animals in the Caucasus.

Thanks to the thick wool, dogs can easily tolerate frosts.

6th position - Newfoundland

It is not the largest breed of dog in the world, but even the images inspire respect and fear. But do not be afraid - these dogs are very peaceful.

But you need to respect - the breed is designed to save drowning.

The giant kind of "straws" in the history of existence saved a lot of people who without divers would have had extremely hard in the fight against the water element.

Read also How to raise a German Shepherd in a private house?

By the way, many mistakenly believe that Newfoundland and diver are two names of the same breed, Tibetan mastiff dog breeds caucasian shepherd angry. In fact, the diver is a subspecies of the Canadian original, which began to breed en masse in the USSR.

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Caucasian shepherd russian dog breeds large

Caucasian shepherd russian dog breeds large - The country of origin of the Caucasian is Russia. The image of this species is found on some coats of arms of Georgian princes. 

Caucasian shepherd russian dog breeds large
Caucasian shepherd russian dog breeds large

Caucasian shepherd russian dog breeds large image
Caucasian shepherd russian dog breeds large image

Caucasian shepherd russian dog breeds large best
Caucasian shepherd russian dog breeds large best

Caucasian shepherd russian dog breeds large cool
Caucasian shepherd russian dog breeds large cool

Caucasian shepherd russian dog breeds large information
Caucasian shepherd russian dog breeds large information

The modern description of the breed Caucasian Shepherd says that in Russia professional breeding is engaged in a large number of breeding nurseries. 

If you want to buy yourself such a friend, you need to consider some points. For example, Caucasians perceive only the family members in which they live. They are quite unfriendly to all other people. The animal instantly reacts to any potential danger, so walking it, you always need to be alert. The characteristics of the breed Caucasian Shepherd emphasizes that the dog needs strict education under the guidance of a strong-willed owner.

It is worth not buying if you have never done anything with large dogs before, and if you can not visit the training grounds with the dog. 

Representatives of this type are fully formed by the age of two, both physically and mentally. This fact should be taken into account, taking the course of classes with a cynologist. This species is perfectly trainingable and has excellent working qualities. In a fit of anger dog is almost impossible to contain, in these moments they become angrier than pit bulls and Staffords, which is very dangerous, given the size of the dog. 

Caucasians belong to the category of giants. Weight varies between 45-50 kg in females, from 50 to 60 kg in males. The size of the Caucasian Shepherd dog in the withers: up to 70 cm in females, up to 74 cm in males. The average life expectancy of the Caucasian Shepherd dog is 15 years, often there are centenarians.


History of the origin of the Caucasian Shepherd Dog

There is no consensus on when and from what ancestors this subspecies was received. Most scholars have come to the conclusion that the closest relative of the Caucasian Shepherd dog is the Tibetan Mastiff or Tibetan Dog. Russia is considered to be the country of origin. 

According to another version, the animals first appeared in the ancient state of Urartu, located in the Caucasus. Images were found that looked remotely reminiscent of these watchdogs. 

Interesting facts:

The first chronicle mention of this breed dates back to 1121 BC, when the emperor of the zhou dynasty received a puppy as a gift; 

in 1765, an official order was issued in Russia, which obliges the owners of Caucasians to involve them in the execution of the guard and security service; 

in the 19th century, this species was used for search purposes, but the experiment could not be used, and the Caucasians were replaced by German and Eastern European Shepherds; 

animals are often given intimidating nicknames, aided by their formidable appearance. 

The establishment of the Caucasian watchman is a big responsibility, as the dog with the wrong upbringing can be aggressive and dangerous.

The appearance of the Caucasian Shepherd Dog

Shared impressions 

In addition to the single standard described by the Russian Cynological Federation, there are several subtypes that have small visual and behavioral differences: 

Georgian - these dogs are stronger and more massive, the body length is a few centimeters longer than that of other species, the coat is long, one shade, most often - zonal-gray; 

Armenian are the smallest individuals 

mountainous Azerbaijani and steppe Azerbaijani; 

Dagestan - resembles Georgian, but has the color of a bicolor or tricolor. 

The first standard was registered in 1931. It was based on the Georgian type of animals. 

Interestingly, two years in a row, in 1970-1971, the title of World Champion at the International Exhibition was awarded to the Caucasians. In the photo of the Caucasian Shepherd can be seen that in front of you - a representative of a giant breed.


The head with a square forehead is massive. The cheekbones are well developed, have clear outlines. The muzzle is large, blunt-shaped. A bulging forehead with a shallow groove. Lips are thick, tightly closed.  The color of the nose lobe is black, brown is permissible for light colors. The ear shells are not large, cupped within a few days after birth. It is worth remembering that if you plan to visit foreign exhibitions with the dog, it is better not to buy ears, as under the new international rules this operation is prohibited. Eyes are deeply planted, dark in color, eyelids fit tightly to the eyeball. The bite is standard, scissor-shaped. The number of teeth is 42. 


The neck of dogs of this breed is powerful, muscular, strong. The syg. Significantly shorter than the length of the skull bones. The angle relative to the dorsal line is 30-40 degrees. Let's say a small "suspension", but practice shows that such dogs rarely get prizes at exhibitions. 


The breast is wide, low-lowered, rounded. The lowest point of the breast should be at the level of the dog's elbows. The belly is toasty. The withers protrude significantly over the back line, wide. The back is straight, smooth, grit slightly skewed. The muscles of the back are strong and wide. The loin is shortened in males, allowing a slight lengthening in the.  

Fore limbs 

Paws are powerful, the legs are strong, stable, short. When examining the front limbs, you can see that the paws are wide apart, straight, parallel to each other. The elbows are set back, and the deviation sideways is considered a violation of the standard. 

Rear limbs 

The hind limbs are parallel to each other. The jumping joints are a little straightened. When the dog is placed in the foot rack, they are placed under the jumping joint, forming a 90-degree angle. Pulling back paws is not acceptable. 


The tail is highly planted, has the shape of a sickle or ring, relaxed in a calm state. The tip of the tail reaches the hock joint. 


Movements are not constrained, slow main allures - a step or a wide slow lynx. In active movements, we allow a cargo gallop without signs of instability. The front paws on the run do not cross the middle line. The top points of grit and withers should be on the same level. During active movements, the dog does not rake the soil with its paws and does not deviate from the direct trajectory of movement. Elbow joints do not turn outwards when moving. Paws should spring slightly at the jolt.  


The wool cover of this breed is thick, the wool is stuffed. This is due to the fact that the Caucasian Shepherd Dog at one time adapted to the climatic conditions of the mountainous regions of the Caucasus. Three-layer wool: 

The top layer retains moisture outside; 

cool layer, 

undercoat keeps heat under wool 

Based on which of the three layers prevails, the short-haired type, long-haired type and intermediate are allocated. 


Acceptable colors of the Caucasian Shepherd according to the standard of the breed FCI: any solid monochrome color, any spotted color. It is unacceptable if the Caucasian Shepherd has an evenly black color, brick-brown, genetically blue, unexpressed black. The most common colors are red, gray, tiger and white. The dog's eyelids and lips should have a bright black solid contour.  


The height of the Caucasian Shepherd in the withers should be at least 68 cm and not exceed 75 cm in males. Optimal height - 70-72 cm. Bitch should be not less than 64 cm, but not exceed the limit of 70 cm. The weight of the Caucasian Shepherd Dog should not fall below 50 kg, sheepdog-bitch - below 45 kg. 

Any deviation from the official standard of the breed can reduce the exhibition score. Disqualifying vices do not give the dog the right to participate in all-Russian and foreign exhibitions. 

The character of the Caucasian Shepherd Dog

Who is the Caucasian Shepherd Dog? The breed has a very difficult character. That is why it is not recommended to have people who have no experience with large breeds. Caucasian Shepherds are distinguished by perseverance, stubbornness, fearlessness. 

Dogs have excellent watchmen. Unpretentious in maintenance, prefer apartment maintenance or housing indoors in the open air. In winter, the street does not freeze thanks to the thick undercoat. 

To children the breed treats well enough, but does not show active interest and sympathy. But if there is a child in the family where the Caucasian lives, perhaps he will become the number one for the dog. These dogs are one-love by nature and recognize only one owner, perceiving the rest of the family for their flock. 

What is the difference between the character of the Caucasian Shepherd in years from the behavior of a puppy? Toddlers are more willing to come into contact and are more attached to the person, as the dog grows up showing more independence and isolation. 

The Caucasian Shepherd Dog treats other pets well.  The main condition - another dog should belong to the category of small or medium breeds. Over any large dog Caucasian will dominate in every way, which can lead to fights and serious injuries to both. If you have such a dog, be prepared to walk with it away from the places of crowds of dogs. 

This breed must be socialized. It is recommended to start training and training up to six months. The optimal time is the beginning of walks, after the quarantine after the third vaccination is over. Since this breed is quite stubborn, self-sufficient and independent, the training of an adult dog will be quite a difficult process. 

Physical punishment instantly causes attacks of aggression in this breed. 

At home, the dog behaves calmly, special activity is not different. To strangers in the house with the owner the dog is friendly enough, although he is wary. Dogs are noticeably isolated and do not require constant attention, but at the same time incredibly devoted to members of their family.  

Parenting and training

Incredible groundless aggression, which is often attributed to this breed - a myth. It can only occur as a result of improper upbringing or treatment of an animal. Control of the dog's behavior begins a few days after the baby arrived at the new home. Exercise training is done calmly and methodically, with reusable daily repetitions. 

By the end of the first year of life, the dog must understand and be able to perform a number of commands: 

"impossible/fu" - the team provides not only the safety of passers-by, but also the pet itself, for example, in a situation when she decided to eat something from the ground or she tries to be treated by a stranger on a walk; Caucasian shepherd russian dog breeds large.

"sit/lie" - the first commands to which the puppy is trained; 

"Next" is another security team 

"teeth" - if you plan an exhibition career, this team is one of the first to learn; 

"in place" - usually such a command is used to send the dog in its place in case of a fault; 

"to me" - in any situation the animal should hear it and instantly perform it. 

The training of a new family member to the toilet also begins as early as possible. Regardless of the season - winter, spring, summer or autumn - the owner must take the baby for a walk every day at a certain time.  

If the puppy shows interest in shoes and gnaws furniture, it is necessary strictly, but quietly forbid him to do physical punishments are unacceptable. 

It is recommended to go with the dog OKD - a general training course, where competent dog handlers will tell dog owners how to educate Caucasians and how to find an approach to the dog taking into account its breed. It is worth remembering that giants and molosses are considered "late breeds", that is, the complete formation of the dog ends by the age of two, and before that it is a teenager. 

This breed is not suitable for various activities, such as agility (passing the track with obstacles), freestyle (dancing man with a dog), frisbee (ball-toting, plate or puller).  

Many large breeds, by virtue of their size, once in a while try to test their owner. Any attempt at domination or aggression must be stopped calmly and methodically. A well-mannered dog will never offend family members. 

In addition to the OCD, you can take a training course with the dog. In any case, it is desirable that the education and training of the Caucasian Shepherd was under the control of a trainer.

The health and diseases of the Caucasian Shepherd Dog

Possible diseases

In order to make your pet as sick as possible, it is necessary to carefully monitor his health and regularly perform hygiene procedures.   

The maximum harm to the health of Caucasian sheepdogs can cause infectious diseases, which dogs endure quite hard. In addition, the breed is prone to damage to some systems and organs, as a result of which may develop: 

Metabolic disorders; 

Bone-muscle disease; 

disruption of the central nervous system. 

The most dangerous infectious diseases are plague, rabies, leptospirosis, non-specific tuberculosis. You can suspect them if the dog is diagnosed with the following symptoms: 

heat, the temperature is kept at 40 degrees, the nose is dry and hot; 

drowsiness, apathy, complete lack of physical and emotional activity; 

On the walk the dog does not want to go anywhere, the tail is lowered down; 

The animal often asks for a toilet, abundant frequent vomiting; 


abundant discharge from the nose and eyes; 

the wool is dull, does not shine. 

Vaccinations are the prevention of many infectious diseases. Without them, it is simply dangerous to take the animal out on the street.

Among diseases associated with metabolic disorders, Caucasian Shepherds are characterized by obesity, cryptorchism, gigantism of the fetus in utero development, dwarfism. Treatment of obesity is carried out with the help of selecting a special diet, other diseases - hormonal therapy. 

Disorders in the development of the bone-muscle apparatus can be attributed to hip dysplasia (the scourge of modern dog breeding), weak puffs, kosolapi, congenital lameness, mainly on the hind legs. 

Epileptic seizures, muscle cramps, neuroses and behavioral disorders are common in dogs with congenital or acquired CNS diseases. 

Food allergies in this breed are not common, but it is worth apprehension to treat new foods in the diet and chicken meat. If you notice combs on the dog's skin after changes in nutrition, it is recommended to return to the usual feeding pattern. In severe cases, allergic swelling of the snout and larynx may develop.

Reproductive health 

Dogs that have reached one year of breeding are allowed to breed. The car's leak goes through twice a year. Its duration is on average 24-28 days. In this cycle, mating is carried out on the 11th-13th day. The males can be used for breeding no more than 8 times a year. 

If there is a healthy pregnancy, the duration of which is 56-66 days, the birth is easy and without complications. Bitch copes on her own, to resort to the help of a veterinarian does not have to. There are usually 4-8 puppies in the litter. Caucasian Shepherds have an excellent maternal instinct that guarantees the health and safety of offspring. In the case of the birth of weak puppies is recommended to feed with special nutrient mixtures. 

If the dog is fully healthy, sterilization is not recommended. In the presence of medical indications (peometer, cancer, frequent false pregnancies, mastopathy) surgery is performed no earlier than a month after the end of the leak or the termination of feeding puppies. 

Feeding and dieting features

Compared to other large breeds, Caucasian Shepherds eat relatively small amounts of food. For 1 kilogram of weight of the animal accounts for 30-35 grams of natural feed or 10-15 grams of dry food per day, which is much less than the usual norm for giant breeds. Accelerated metabolism ensures that all nutrients and vitamins are produced from food. Caucasian Shepherds are among the few breeds that are able to absorb cow's milk. 

What to feed the dog - dry food or natural food? Based on the fact that the dog is a predator, preference should be given to natural feeding. In the diet must be present low-fat varieties of muscle meat, by-products (liver, kidneys, heart), fish. To improve digestion and fermentation in the dog's diet must be present scar, which can be replaced by one full-fledged feeding. 

Fruits and vegetables can be given any, based on the taste preferences of the Shepherd. If you want to raise a dog on the "drying", then the question, what kind of food to feed the puppy, you will give the answer breeder. He will tell what kind of food is best for this breed, how many times to feed a monthly puppy, how the diet changes with the age of the dog and whether it is possible to give fermented milk. 

To prevent the formation of tartar can be given to the dog as nibbles large bones, which it will not be able to swallow. For example, the knee joint of a cow, a beef tail. If the dog lacks some elements, you can give vitamin complexes prescribed by the veterinarian.

Care and maintenance

For Caucasian sheepdogs it is preferable to keep in an aviary with a booth. The bottom of the booth should be lined with hay or straw to keep warm. If the animal is kept in the apartment, its sunbed should be at the place where the view of the entrance doors opens, otherwise the dog will feel discomfort. 

Regular care includes combing, haircuting of the claws, rubbing the area around the eyes. 

Caucasian Shepherds are owners of thick wool. In order that it does not stray into tangles, it is necessary to comb it regularly. For long-haired representatives, especially during molting, it is better to use a furminator. Frequent washing is not recommended. It is necessary to bathe the dog as it is contaminated.  Exhibition dogs are subjected to procedures of haircuts and grooming. The claws should be trimmed with claws at least once a month.  

In the warm season, many representatives of this breed carry the ear mite. Therefore, every day it is necessary to carefully examine the ears for increased secretion of ear sulfur.  If the dog is constantly scratching his ears and rolling his head on the ground or floor, and in the ears there are dark yellow discharges in large volume - it is necessary to consult a veterinarian. 

Many owners are concerned about how to care for the pet's teeth. For prevention, you can use special products in the form of treats or special drops, which should be added to a bowl of water daily to cleanse the mouth of plaque and unpleasant odor. 

Caucasian Shepherd dog is one of the breeds that buy ears within a few days after birth. Usually the operation is carried out on the fifth day. Special care after the procedure of ear cartilage does not require, but it is necessary to look after the baby or litter, so that there is no injury. If you plan to visit foreign exhibitions with the dog and wait for a puppy from a certain litter, it is worth discussing in advance the issue of cupping with the owner of the, as the withdrawal of purchased animals in the ring since 2013 in some countries is prohibited. 

The general rules of care and maintenance of the Caucasian Shepherd dog are not much different from the regulations for other large breeds of dogs. The main thing is to carry out hygiene procedures in a timely manner and give space to movements.

Tips for choosing a puppy

Before you buy a puppy, determine the goal with which you start it. If you just want a big furry friend in the family, choose a, especially if you have children. are easier and faster to learn, they are more open and cheerful, can become a good companion for the child. 

If you want your dog to become an excellent guard, it is worth buying a dog. It should be taken into account that they periodically check the master's authority through disobedience and attempts at domination. 

Many potential owners are concerned about how to choose a thoroughbred representative of the breed. Purchase a puppy you need in a breeding kennel with a full package of documents - it's a puppy card, which is then exchanged for pedigree in the Russian Cynological Federation, a veterinary passport with marks about vaccinations. Some breeders fill out the sales contract. 

Purchasing a dog from a professional breeder, you get a guarantee that the animal is a thoroughbred representative of this breed, and therefore, fully meets the standards. At the moment, many conscientious owners do their dogs tests for dysplasia, and if there are any parents of litter in which you choose a dog, you will be sure to show them.  

When you meet your baby, watch how he behaves. Puppies of the Caucasian Shepherd should be cheerful, active, play with single-broomers, touch them, growl and bite. The kid should actively make contact with new people, he should not run away and hide. 

At visual inspection there should be no umbilical and groin hernias, bite in the norm scissor-shaped, dental formula 6 x6. 

Before buying a baby you need the advice of an experienced specialist in the field of this breed, who will tell in detail what points you need to pay attention to. Do not focus on the cost - the high price of a dog does not give guarantees of full compliance with the standard. 

How much does a Caucasian Shepherd

How much the Caucasian Shepherd puppy costs, it is definitely difficult to say. The amount can start in a few thousand and end in infinity. The price of the Caucasian Shepherd Dog consists of several factors: 


Sex - are usually more expensive; 

having titles with both parents; 

The cost increases dramatically if one of the parents is imported or has imported blood; 

rare colors are valued higher. 

The average cost of a kennel dog is 25 thousand rubles for a dog and 35 thousand rubles for a. Kennels sell puppies more expensive than ordinary owners, making litter through the RCF. 

Buying an undocumented dog is not recommended. Puppy card is a guarantee that a year after purchase in your house will live Caucasian Shepherd, and not mestizo of unknown origin. It is always worth remembering that dogs, resulting from the mixing of two different breeds, very often have a weak psyche or excessively aggressive even to members of their family, Caucasian shepherd russian dog breeds large. Often unscrupulous sellers guarantee the pureness of parents in the absence of documents, but in reality it is not. 

Caucasian shepherd dog similar breeds

Caucasian shepherd dog similar breeds - In Wikipedia it is easy to find a mention of the Caucasian Shepherd among breeds of dogs - wolfhounds. 

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Caucasian shepherd dog similar breeds

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Caucasian shepherd dog similar breeds info

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Caucasian shepherd dog similar breeds review

Caucasian shepherd dog similar breeds black
Caucasian shepherd dog similar breeds black

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Caucasian shepherd dog similar breeds cool

However, other representatives of the Caucasian Shepherd Dog are also listed there. Only they call them Armenian, Georgian and Azerbaijani wolfhounds. In addition, you can often hear about other wolfhounds of the peoples of the Caucasus. For example, Dagestan, Turkish, Iranian. But the Caucasian Shepherd among them is mentioned as a separate breed, which raises a lot of questions. All these breeds are not related to the Caucasian Shepherd Dog? Or it's individual breeds. We will not delve into the ancient history of their origin yet. I would understand the contradictory information already more modern period. It seems that the encyclopedic books on dog breeding even soviet times are already quite outdated. So individual is it a breed or not? And why can all Caucasian Shepherds be so different?   

Due to the widespread distribution of the Caucasian Shepherd breed in different territories, they acquired external differences. So there were types of Caucasian Shepherd, differing regions in which they lived. That is, the climate and landscape have had an impact on the formation of appearance, as well as the character and habits of these dogs. For centuries the breed has changed, and many types and subtypes within it have formed. After the end of the Civil War, for the first time, cynologists began to organize and describe the types of people.

There are several types of Caucasian shepherds, which are then divided into small subgroups:

1. Georgian type. Caucasian Shepherds of the Georgian region have a mighty backbone, they are the largest of all other types. The constitution is strong and rough, the head is in the right shape. The color is monochrome and it looks especially spectacular.

2. Armenian type. Caucasian Shepherds in this area resemble a Georgian type, but a little smaller and poorer backbone. The torso is square in shape. Dogs are long-haired gray or brown monochrome color, but there are tiger and even spotted individuals. Among the Armenian type, there are four main subtypes of the Caucasian Shepherd Dog. The Gehrget type of Caucasian Shepherd includes large and long-haired dogs. The constitution is rough and strong, the muzzle is elongated. The color is spotted with a white collar, as well as with a white proto-neck on the forehead. The teeth are white and large. The Garban type is represented by aggressive dogs with a rough type of constitution. The muzzle and wool are short. The color is pure red without masks. Kazbek type - powerful, strong and rough. The physique is harmonious, the wool is well developed, the color is spotted, it is tiger. The teeth are white and smooth, the bite is correct. The Akhaltsikh type is a mixture of the previous types of Caucasian Shepherd in the Armenian region. Harmoniously folded and long-haired dogs of white, brown or fawn color. They are very hardy and workable, unpretentious to living and caring conditions.

3. Azerbaijani type. There are two types: mountain - outwardly reminiscent of Georgian, and steppe - square format, with long legs, strong backbone and dry musculature. The coat is short, with a rare red and dark pale color). Dogs of the Azerbaijani region are characterized by a red color and a darker mask.

4. Dagestan type. Larger than the Georgian, the format of the case is more square. It has a strong backbone and smooth lines of the hind limbs. The length of the wool and color is varied).

5. Aboriginal Caucasian Shepherd Dog. This type was formed spontaneously and naturally. Dogs are hardy and wonderfully adapted to any climatic changes. They are practically not attached to a person. Factory breeds of Aboriginal Caucasian Shepherd are better exposed to training, they are focused on the person, but at the same time are quite sensitive to feeding and maintenance conditions. They make their own decisions. Externally, these dogs are distinguished by excellent muscularism, athletic physique, powerful neck, voluminous and rounded chest, wide back, wide horizontal croup.

Along with the above types in the past there were Kurdish, Tatar and Armenian-Turkish varieties of Caucasian Shepherd

A.P. Mazoover (1947) writes that certain groups of Caucasian Shepherds, located in similar conditions with Central Asian conditions (the brown steppes of Dagestan and Azerbaijan), can be considered as transitional groups from one breed to another. They differ only minor signs of secondary importance: the supply of eyes, the shape and width of the muzzle, lips and the like, at the same time having the same in mass color, relatively rare in the Caucasian sheepdogs in other areas, often prevails motley color, tiger, light extinguished tones, etc.

In Cabardino-Balcaria there is still a short-haired type of Caucasian shepherds, received once from the viscous of old Balkar sheepdogs and Georgian mountain dogs. They were called Sarmatian Mastiffs and valued very highly for their watching qualities, self-confidence and absolute devotion.

Naga'di. Georgian Caucasian Shepherd Dog

Every people of the Caucasus has its own kind of Caucasian Shepherd Dog. As with the Azerbaijani species, all species of this breed are divided into two subspecies:

1. Mountain type of Caucasian Shepherd. Dogs have long legs and a square structure of the torso. There is a lot of water in the mountains, and herds need little movement. Therefore, the mountain type of Caucasian Shepherd was formed under the influence of these conditions. They are quite sturdy, having a massive backbone, heavy head and thick wool, voluminous chest, and elongated torso

2. Steppe type of Caucasian Shepherd. Dogs with short hair, elongated skull shape, as well as a strong dry structure. In dry and hot climates, the Caucasian Shepherd dog required increased endurance, as rare bodies of water encourage daily crossings and cattle distillations. Dogs that accompany such herds are especially strong and large, able to resist predators and protect the object assigned to them. They should also be as efficient as possible.

As for the dog's fur, it consists of three parts - a thicket (there is soft and thin), axis (rough and thick), rare cover wool. The wool itself is not able to fit tightly to the torso of the dog. Caucasian Shepherds come in three types:

1. With long hair, claws on the legs, mane, fluffy tail, "pants";

2. Intermediates that do not have the "pants";

3. Caucasian Shepherd, without eyes, mane and "pants." This breed can be such colors: dark brown, white, wolf - gray, fawn, red, tiger, spotted and dog.

Cynologists recognize such varieties as Gerget, Gorban, Kazbek, Akhaltsikh, Akhaltsikh, Tushin, etc. types, which received their names according to the original habitat. There is also a difference between dogs living in steppe and mountainous areas. Among the Georgian type dominated long-haired individuals, and in the North Caucasus - short-haired, as the long wool in winter stuffed with snow, and in summer thorns.

In 1931, the first standard of the Caucasian Shepherd breed was created, it was based on the Georgian type of Caucasian, but it mentions the Armenian, Azerbaijani, Dagestan types.

On February 10, 2011, at a meeting of the tribal commission of the International Kennel Union (IKU), a cynological organization operating in 17 countries, the standard of the Armenian wolfhound-gampra was recognized. According to the accepted standard, the short-haired version of the Armenian gampra (the length of the hams is recognized (the length of the hampr is currently recognized by the Cynological Union of Armenia (KKSSA), which is also working on the recognition of the long-haired variety of gampra, which has always existed on a par with short-haired, due to the variety of terrain and the presence of different climatic zones in Armenia.

  Azerbaijan's Gourdbasar. The dogs were included in the soviet handbooks under the name of the Azerbaijani Steppe Caucasian Shepherd Dog. In 1933, Stalin's decree "On the development of the national dog breeding" was the beginning of the end of the breed. Azerbaijani native dogs were taken out of the former Soviet republic en masse. The best specimens of the breed were used to breed Moscow guard dogs.

In 2002, Baku hosted an exhibition of breed dogs, Azerbaijan's Gourdbasar was exhibited in a separate ring. To this day, there are people in the country who breed these dogs and consider the breed a national treasure.

Azerbaijan Caucasian Shepherd Dog. Azerbaijan Gourdbasar

Habitats of Caucasian Shepherds, or North Caucasian wolfhounds, is an area around the Caucasian ridge and steppe in southern Russia. This breed has gone a long way from dogs that lived in the Caucasus in ancient times, through natural selection and various traditions of the Caucasian peoples

Scientists-kinologists secrete two versions of the origin of this breed of dogs.

  The first theory of the ancestors of the Caucasian Shepherds considers the Tibetan dogs, which in ancient China were used in battles, as well as poisoned wolves.

  According to the second version, the breed's representatives were descended from dogs guarding the walls of the ancient state of Urartu, which is now home to Azerbaijan, northwestern Iran, Armenia and eastern Turkey.

  Another name for Caucasian Shepherds is the Caucasian or North Caucasian Wolfhound, as well as the Aboriginal Caucasian Shepherd.

  Archaeologists who carried out excavations in the Caucasus found many embalmed mummies of dogs of this breed. This shows that Caucasians were once revered as family members.

  In the ranking of the largest sheepdogs in the world, the breed's representatives take second place, second only to Alabaya. The largest Caucasian is a dog named Grizzly, born in 2008, weighed almost 100 kg and lived in Odessa.

  Caucasian wolfhounds were first presented to the general public in the 1930s at the Nuremberg Exhibition, Caucasian shepherd dog similar breeds.

  Dogs of this breed are famous for their protective qualities. Thus, throughout the 18th century, the Caucasian Shepherds were the best guard dogs in the Turkish army.

When a Caucasian shepherd is called a wolfhound, it is understandable. This is its historical purpose - protection from wolves. But when then there is a clarification from the speaker that it is not about the Caucasian Shepherd, but about the wolfhound, it caused me a misunderstanding. I tried to mention other breeds of wolfhounds that the speaker had never even heard of. But in response I heard only a stubborn statement: "All of them are not wolfhounds." I tried to understand this issue as well. It turns out there is such a breed.

Caucasian wolfhound

In 1990, the Caucasian wolfhound was registered by the International Cynological Association (FCI) as a separate breed.

From the point of view of breeding Caucasian wolfhound is a very young breed. Dogs representing it are different: high-legged and short-legged, wide and narrow, elongated and square, powerful and elegant, resembling a boxer, bulldog, bull terrier, dog, panther, wolf, etc. The height of males 70-82 cm, - 60-78 cm. Weight of males 50-70 kg, female - 36-56 kg. Of course, there are no restrictions in the height and weight of Caucasian wolfhounds, but they should be recognizable in appearance and, of course, to win in the battle ring. The brightest fighters in the Caucasus had about this size and weight.

The origin of the Caucasian wolfhounds is quite complex, so the type of this breed is the sum of parameters by which it can not be confused with any other. Even breeds such as the Caucasian Shepherd Dog and the Central Asian Shepherd Dog should not mislead experts. The best specimens of the Caucasian wolfhound are very expressive dogs, which are admired by those who were captivated by their strength and energy. The most desirable type is the intermediate between "panther" and "bulldog" (weight about 65 kg).

Undesirable is the greyhound-shaped type - a narrow head, a narrow torso, high-life.

Caucasian wolfhound - a normally folded dog. It's more voluminous in the chest than the Caucasian Shepherd Dog. People who are used to the Caucasian Shepherd Dog may not appreciate the dryness of the head, the strength of the bones and energetic movements. It should be remembered that the Caucasian wolfhound has no impurities of the Dog, St. Bernard, Moscow watchdog, German Shepherd and other breeds, which are "stuffed" Caucasian Shepherd. Without power and strength, the Caucasian wolfhound means nothing as much as without energetic, free movements.

Fighting Central Asian Shepherds have a similar head, but those of them have a bearish type of head. The only difference is that the Caucasian wolfhound's muzzle is much drier, the total length of the head and muzzle is a little wider, the forehead is wider, the transition from forehead to muzzle is almost imperceptible, the frontal furrow deeper, the occipious bump is more pronounced, the blunt wedge from the base of the cheekbones to the nose is well marked, the strong and well-filled muzzle improves the proportions of the head. In the selection of the breed, special attention is paid to the properly placed shoulder blades, elbows, knee and jumping joints, correct back lines, bending ribs, the strength of the arch and the sacrum. Less attention is paid to the wrong bite, because it can be corrected in the first generation with a reasonable selection of pairs.

The eyes are oval, preferably wide-seated, because in this case the lateral vision is well developed.

Ears hanging, wide-set, small. When circumcised by half, they tend to be worth it. They should not be trimmed like a dog. Most often they are trimmed perpendicular or very blunt oval. The texture of the ears, as well as the entire skin of the wolfhound, should be thick and strong The circumference of the ear should be protected by muscle and fat tissue.

Lips are thick, but without splashes, the skin on the cheeks should not hang, but wrinkles on the forehead significantly adorn the head of the Caucasian wolfhound, emphasizing its exoticism and frightening appearance.

In modern application it is a protective, properly-sporting breed. If the greyhound dog nature has created everything for running, the Caucasian wolfhound is created for fighting.

The duration of the fight is on average 10-12 minutes. As much as possible they can withstand 30 minutes of continuous combat. As you know, pit bulls withstand many hours of fighting, but this does not mean that the Caucasian wolfhound should in the future give way to a pit bull.

 So far, this breed is little known even in the region of its origin. Puppies on the market are sold on primitive certificates of village councils as Caucasian or Central Asian Shepherd. Only a few fight enthusiasts demand that the certificate include a breed - "Caucasian wolfhound." The cost of puppies ranges from 100 to 500 dollars, and perhaps for the most patient and purposeful breeders there will be a golden period.

Bad behavior in the big ring is a big disadvantage in young dogs, up to 2 years allow timidity in the battle ring. Young timid dogs should be evaluated in combat with familiar dogs in a small ring to finally solve the issue of their use in breeding work.

It is always very difficult to judge the breed of "Caucasian wolfhound" due to lack of type. Power, strength, speed, energy of movements, high combat technique as if not combined with the balanced character and stability of the nervous system. However, the latter is the most valuable quality for the breed. As always, the ideal is the middle ground. If you really like one type, don't ignore the others. The breeder, who works in order to cultivate only "his" type, is doomed to failure in advance. In the end, bad dogs "his" type will become more expensive for him good dogs of other types. There are many examples of this, and even experienced dog breeders are often sincerely mistaken. It is necessary to learn to evaluate dogs on their merits without any personal sympathies and dislikes. Only then will your work give you true satisfaction.

Caucasian wolfhound

If we briefly sum up the consideration of the types (or species) of the modern Caucasian Shepherd, it becomes quite obvious that the past standards of the breed have long "sunk into summer." Throughout the spread of Caucasian shepherds there are a large number of different dogs, which have already firmly won for themselves the right to be called a separate breed. And apparently, in the near future on the basis of all of us well-known Caucasian Shepherd will be a number of national breeds. And most likely, most of them will be recognized by cynological associations. After all, all types and subspecies of the Caucasian Shepherd dog are really quite different, though they have their ancestor one Molosian dog from the ancient kingdom of Urartu. But then each line went its own way, and each nation conducted its own selection, preferring this or that look of their dogs, as well as their working characteristics. And now, there is every reason to believe that there are several separate breeds.

However, in my opinion, not everything is as simple as it seems at first glance. For example, if the standard of the Caucasian Shepherd is taken Georgian type, then why secrete the Georgian wolfhound Nagahi in a separate breed? And why is the information about the standard of the Caucasian Shepherd so scarce and vague in official sources? Why are dogs of different regions so different, but belong to the same breed?

I decided to ask all these questions after I became the owner of the Caucasian Shepherd Dog. My Gray, with unquestioning pedigree and large dimensions, turned out to be so different from the generally accepted standard of the breed. After studying the types and varieties of Caucasian Sheepdogs, I came across the topic of wolfhounds. And it turned out that almost half of the breeds recognized by wolfhounds are just varieties of Caucasian Shepherd.

Therefore, while the FCI will think about this and other similar issues for a long time, I have already put everything in its place. The Caucasian Shepherd Dog is likely to have a common ancestor with the Tibetan Mastiff, but does not originate from it. The difference between the clumsy and wayward Mastiff and the real working dogs, which are still Caucasian Shepherds, is too great.

The beginning of the breed Caucasian Shepherd, according to the second group of researchers, leads from Molos dogs from the ancient state of Urartu. Well, and then, without any scientific research, and purely from the geographical location and historical sources, as well as from ancient drawings, we can assume that the ancestors of the Caucasian Shepherd Dog are descendants of the fighting dogs of the states of Babylon and Assyria.

Now the Caucasian Shepherd dog is already a collective image of a group of dog breeds with their appearance, temperament, fighting and protective qualities. And already now on its basis there are a number of breeds that are already officially recognized or are preparing for recognition. And, in my opinion, this is absolutely the right and reasonable decision, Caucasian shepherd dog similar breeds. Everything in the world is changing. New breeds of dogs should also be changed and created.

Caucasian shepherd dog breed

Caucasian shepherd dog breed - the oldest representative, with the ideal working qualities of a shepherd. 

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Caucasian shepherd dog breed

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Caucasian shepherd dog breed review

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Caucasian shepherd dog breed russian
Caucasian shepherd dog breed russian

With their help, many farmers around the world have been able to facilitate their work. In today's world, dog herders have taken places next to the owner mainly as a companion, but many still use them in this capacity. If you choose a friend, we present to your attention the top breeds, ideal for the work of a shepherd and just good friends and loyal companions.

Description of the rocks

The dog is a shepherd, it is an active animal in particular need of some physical activity and fulfillment of its duties. Representatives of such breeds: active, friendly, responsible, able to make independent decisions without human participation, owners of high mind, physically developed and hardy.

Scottish Shepherd (Collie)

Representative Collie, not only is famous for her chic fur coat, but also a certain highly developed intelligence. They are smart, obedient and resilient. In the past, it was used for the protection and pasture of sheep in mountainous areas. Her unusual appearance, seemed very attractive for the individual aristocratic class, they in turn wanted to make her a representative of premium - class and be sure to keep in his home.

Fortunately, on a few farmland, Scots and many Europeans still hold Collie as a shepherd now.

Border - collie or dog of sharp mind

Border - the ideal representative of the dog - shepherd, deserved his place rightfully. It has an exceptional feature of quickly memorizing a huge number of teams, interested in learning, aimed at the person. Suitable for work without control. Few people know that the border - collie can look like an ordinary yard dog black - white color. Fans of the breed - claim that it is the best dog in their lives.

Australian Shepherds - Heeler

A distant relative of the famous dog is Dingo. The owner of a decent mind, perfectly versed in the mentals of a person, feels a change of mood at the level of instinct. The dog is conscious and receptive to training, prefers to live in a pack. A natural leader who can make his own decisions. Medium-sized, the backbone is powerful and heavy, physically hardy.

There are some traits in the character that distinguish it from the rest: stubbornness, desire to dominate, increased need for attention of the host, constant need for communication.

Cost in Russia: from 30 p.r., the best puppies of litter can stand from 60 - 70 tons.

Life expectancy: 10 to 13 years.

Central Asian Shepherd Dog - Alabai

Representatives of Alabai - differ in large size, heaviness, strong and powerful animals. They are not only beautiful, independent shepherds, but also natural guards. Central Asians are particularly serious. Dog - Alabai must undergo training with an instructor, a kind of temper - a distinctive feature of the animal.

Bernese Shepherd Dog - Greenhund

Swiss handsome Man, outwardly interesting, a large, powerful dog. At one time, the holders of the status of "the most beautiful in the world." Mostly in Russia it starts as a guard. The owner of a complex character.

Emotionally may not be stable, but everything is smoothed by quality education from an early age. Wary of outsiders, but will not show aggression without thoroughly. Accustomed to work with large cattle, is famous for endurance, cunning character, quite obedient, Caucasian shepherd dog breed.

Welsh Corgi

Corgi is not only a declarative breed, as many believe, it is also a shepherd. Many don't even know that the Corgi Shepherd. The popularity of the breed came in 2010, when they actively began to breed in major cities of the Russian Federation. Now Welsh - corgis, more homely resident, sofa dog, which is devoted to the owner. Owners of pretty appearance and especially short legs.

The character is quite calm, well-trained, not whimsical, owners of compact size, suitable for maintenance in urban apartments. At one time, the corgis grazed sheep, the chicken animal by the legs, perfectly get along in families with children.

Corgis are fun, can sometimes reward your neighbors with their beautiful howly when you're away from home. Now - it is completely a dog - a companion, few people use it for real purpose.

Comondor - Hungarian representative

Beauty - Hungarian (Pool) or Comondor, an unusual representative - shepherds, which has a peculiar appearance. The bullet is the owner of wool piled into unusual harnesses or dreadlocks. It is quite difficult to care for, just because of this feature.

They also have a "specific smell." A popular breed at home, well coped with the duties of a shepherd, in a flock of sheep it is almost invisible and merges with the livestock, which gives an advantage.

The care is not whimsical, but requires constant hygiene measures in the care of chic wool. Sincerely loves and respects the owner, will be a wonderful friend for the child and adult.

Moody - Hungarian Shepherd

Moody's dogs are real farmer dogs, not only Hungarian roots, but also most German representatives bear in their blood. It has an outstanding memory, is able to remember a record number of commands. He performs parallel duties as a guard and a guard. Animal wagon, can live on a farm, in a house and even an apartment.

It boasts the perfect endurance and awards in the field of service competitions. In nature affectionate, friendly, friendly, loving and loyal.

German Shepherd

German is the most famous sheepdog of all present, a perfect ratio of ideal character and breed. Exceptionally service animals that have been serving for many years. They were different during the war, when they pulled the wounded from the battlefield, delivered mail, worked as a bomber. None of the dogs could outdo the German.

Suitable for family, easy to train, obedient, intelligent. Devoted friends, loyal. Good get along with other animals, suitable for maintenance in the apartment, and country house. Owners of good immunity, but with a predisposition to diseases musculoskeletal - motor apparatus.

Caucasian Shepherd

Dangerous Caucasian Shepherd, not only a guard and a guard, but also an excellent shepherd. A serious animal that will require certain skills and timely training from the owner.

She is a shepherd from God. Terrible animal, dangerous enemy, but faithful and affectionate friend to his master.

It is not highly recommended to have people who have no experience in raising especially large dogs. It will be necessary not only to engage actively from 2 to 3 months of age, but also to be a leader for the pet, Caucasian shepherd dog breed. They perceive only serious hosts who are capable of being leaders.